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Your Interactive Autobiography

Create an immersive interactive autobiography that takes your AI to the next level. The Eternos autobiography tool automatically identifies, tags, and categorizes all the content that can be used to organize your life story in a chapter and sub-chapter format.

Your legacy coach will teach you how to review and edit the content you want to be share. The content also includes video, photos, and documents that make the sharing experience more immersive. The review process always triggers additional memories that you will want to add to your AI.


Eternos provides an option that allows the visitor experience your life story as an audio book. They can pause at any time, ask questions, and resume their journey. They can also pick a specific chapter or sub-chapter from the table of contents.


You can also download the entire bio as a single document/PDF complete with title, index, and pictures. This same tool can also create export files that third-parties can use for actual printing.

A unique
made possible

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